Monday, September 22, 2008

Criss Angel - Self Levitation DVD

Criss Angel is a wonderful performer. I love his magic, and I love his levitations. The DVD was very disappointing to say the least. I was one of those who waited for this product to be released for months. I went to Criss Angel's website and found out that he was going to release how to do his levitation. There was a video clip that showed his levitations and I couldn't wait to learn how he did it. The price was high, but I felt it was going to be worth it. There was another product on the market called Icarus Effect by Aaron Paterson. This has a price tag of $395.00, so when Criss Angel was releasing his for a lot less, I thought it would be a great product. Well, the video shows how to create the effect, but the steps are so complex he even suggests finding a master seamstress to sew some special clothing you'll need to perform the effect. The levitation he teaches is not how it appeared it would be in the video. He did teach the method used for a couple of clips in the levitation sequence, but the others were so awesome - which were the ones I bought the DVD expecting to learn. With the construction of what you need to make being so difficult and time consuming, it hardly was worth the price of the DVD. It seemed that the cost of the materials would be cheap, but upon watching the DVD it looks a lot more expensive than once thought. This DVD was one I purchased, and since there was still a craze to learn the effect, I was able to sell it on eBay. I do not recommend purchasing this explanation DVD. Chances are you will not use the method, and if you do - you probably have the time and money for the construction of the gimmicks. I have yet to purchase the Icarus Effect by Aaron Paterson, but reviews say his method is somewhat similar, although different - but the product includes everything that you need. This might be the reason for the larger price tag. After learning a couple of cheap levitations, I soon lost interest in levitation. There are less expensive and more practical tricks available on the market.

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