Monday, September 22, 2008

Ninja DVDs from

Brad Christian is a wonderful teacher of magic. He has over 25 years of experience with magic, and has great ways of explaining how to perform magic. He covers everything from executing sleights of hand to showmanship. He wants to make sure that anyone who views his instructional videos comes away knowing how to be a true magician. He delivers excellence in every video project he is involved in. Ninja 1 is a great example of this. Ninja and Ninja 2 are both great resources for magicians to learn sleights of hand, pick up new tricks, and also to learn of the showmanship behind the effects. This is one thing I really like about Brad, how he pounds on showmanship and explains ways of making the effect hit hard, even if it is a small trick. I fully recommend both of the Ninja DVDs. I have pulled great insites and information from both of the DVDs, and they have helped me apply better techniques with my magic.

Ninja 1 is a great reference guide to The Pass, and Ninja 2 also shows another way of making The Pass invisible. Again, but DVDs include excellent effects. Highly recommended.

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