This DVD is really good because it shows the performances in front of people on location, instead of in a studio. He is at a restaurant, or at a party. The party may have been a studio, but it was done well to give the feel of real people viewing real performances.
I really like how the video gives tips on finding gigs, and how to make sure you will be sufficient for the gig. It gives guidelines of how many magicians should be at a gig depending on the number of guests.
David Stone is French, so there is a strong accent. Some people say it is hard to understand him, but I found no problems with it. The explanations have great music, and no words. You get to watch the sleights of hand, and he shows the exposed view - and makes sure to get the point across without using any words. This style of teaching is really good. Coupled with the music, it is like practicing with David Stone, and in a way meditating. I find practicing magic to be a form of meditation.
The video is well done, the magic effects taught on this DVD are very good. They range from the easy self working tricks, to difficult sleight of hand tricks. So even the beginner will benefit from this DVD and it can help one advance into more difficult material.
The effects on this definitely produce that "WOW" factor people are looking for. People are definitely astonished by the effects I've shown from this DVD. The DVD definitely gives real world advice from a professional and helps you feel that you can accomplish your goal of becoming a professional magician, if you so desire. I highly recommend anything from David Stone.
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