To begin with coin magic, you might have learned a few tricks, or bought some basic coin tricks. The Encyclopedia of Coin Sleights volumes are simply incredible. They cover everything that you need to know. As you begin with coin magic, you learn various sleights of hand. The 1st volume is a good review for some things you might have learned elsewhere, but also goes into more things that you probably don't know. Within the first 25 minutes of the DVD, I had already learned some really awesome vanishes, and started to put some things together on my own to create my own trick. Essentially, one thing you can do - even just from the first 25 mins of the first volume, is to show a coin in your hand - Close it, wave your other hand over it, and show your hand empty. The applications of making a coin come out of your hand are ENDLESS!! For instance, I decided that this could be an excellent way of performing the "Coin to pocket" trick, or you could also have the coin appear in any other place you dream of!
The DVDs cover everything from clips to palms, from steals to retentions.. and before you know it - you'll see yourself in the mirror as a professional magician, and just think to yourself, "wow" - You might even gasp out loud! Honestly, there are a lot more sleights in these than you might even be able to imagine that you can perform with coins. I really was awakened by what can be done with coins.
The DVD set is from the 80s, so it is a bit old - but the material is still as strong as ever. The man's voice is pretty boring. There is some tasteful classical music playing in the background. These DVDs are a great resource for any magician who is serious about coin magic. Even though the explanations sound dull, learning the sleights and seeing the application is exciting. This is definitely better than Penguin Magic's "In the Beginning There Were Coins" DVD in some ways. Definitely more sleights covered in the Encyclopedia and there is a lot more time spent on the sleights, so you are sure to be an expert with each sleight after practice.
There aren't a lot of "tricks" or "routines" covered, but you'll see how the sleights work, and you'll have more freedom as you perform. You'll find yourself feeling more confident as people as you to show a magic trick - because you can even make one up on the spot. I would recommend these DVDs.
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