In season 1, Criss Angel performed a trick on the street where he borrowed a quarter, and borrowed a soda can. He then had the spectator sign the quarter and apparently slam the quarter through the sealed soda can. He shook the can, and you could hear the quarter apparently on the inside of the can. Then, he opened the can, and poured out the contents. The quarter was left behind inside the can. The quarter seen through the opening has the spectator's signature.
I orginally saw this trick performed by Wayne Houchin on his website at http://www.waynehouchin.com/. I was simply amazed by his display of sleight of hand, and wanted to learn the trick for myself.
When this was going to be released by Criss Angel I couldn't wait for the secret to be available. I was all hyped up! The video measured up to all of my expectations, and the trick is easier than I thought it would be.
The DVD is put together well. There are performances, step through explanations, and tips given by both the creator of the effect and Criss Angel. The only thing I couldn't stand about the DVD is how Criss Angel came off in the video. Of course on his show he is the expert magician, and it's cool to see his personality on his show, but on this DVD it came off like he was saying, "I'm better than you," to Wayne. The fact is, Wayne created the effect - and Criss needed to know how it was done from Wayne. I think Criss should have had a bit more humility and gratitude, but - oh well.
The DVD teaches the effect very well, and if you can see yourself putting a quarter into the soda can right in front of the specatators, then you'll have fun with this one. Keep in mind that if you get this, you'll need to be prepared to perform the effect by pouring out the soda. So prepare either to do it outside (where you can pour the contents on the ground) or have a glass to pour the liquid into.
This effect definitely has "wow" factor, and is a great find. The price is worth it for sure, especially when you experience the reactions from this gem. It's a ton of fun! I would recommend this DVD for sure.
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